Political leaders

What deeply troubled King Herod upon hearing the news of Jesus' birth (Matthew 2:1-18)? A profound dread gripped him at mentioning the word "king." The implications were clear—a new king who could challenge his reign and authority and set people free had entered the world. This fear consumed him, driving him to issue a ruthless decree (v16): to slaughter all boys in Bethlehem and its surrounding areas who were two years old and younger. What kind of heart could bear the weight of such a decision? How callous must one be to ignore the heart-wrenching cries of mothers whose beloved children were torn from their arms and thrust into oblivion? King Herod stood as a chilling example of a tyrant—an embodiment of evil wrapped in the guise of leadership. His rule was marked by selfishness and an insatiable thirst for power. He clung to his throne with an iron grip, denying mercy to those who dared to oppose him. He would eliminate anyone who posed a threat to his position, demonstrating a complete disregard for human life in the name of self-preservation.
It begs the question: how many leaders in today's world echo Herod's cruelty and heartlessness? Each seat of authority is, in essence, a divine appointment meant to uphold righteousness and justice. Yet, time and again, we witness leaders who seize these positions only to govern with callous indifference. In some countries, the very institutions of government have devolved into instruments of oppression, reducing leadership to a mere facade of power—a successive rule that prioritizes personal gain over the welfare of the people. These leaders systematically pillage the nation's treasury, diverting funds for their own gain while amassing wealth for themselves, their families, and their close allies, disregarding the poor, widows and orphans. Leaders are not to be driven by greed; instead, they have a vital responsibility to ensure that the nation's resources are shared equitably among all its citizens. Their role is to serve the common good, promoting fairness and justice in distributing wealth and opportunities. As citizens, let us take a moment to come together in prayer for our leaders, asking for a profound transformation of their hearts and minds. May they be inspired to lead with compassion, foresight, and a genuine commitment to the welfare of all.
Remi Dayo-Omole