Motorway service
A motorway service is where drivers can exit a motorway to refuel, recharge, rest when tired, eat and drink. There are also on-site facilities for overnight stay at some service stations, should the driver wish to stay the night and continue the journey the next day. A motorway is a wide road designed for high speed over long distances, and drivers must never drive while tired. Signs on the motorway shout out, “Stop, if you are tired!” What would happen if there were no such services on the motorway? More accidents? Life is not always smooth, and things only sometimes occur according to our plans. We find ourselves driving on the highway, leading to worry, anxiety, pain, and trouble with no end in sight. Our daily schedules are heavy workloads, and we struggle with family, social, and work life. We must find the right balance. The good news is that there is a motorway service where we can exit from our busy lifestyle and take a break. That motorway service is the everlasting arms of the Lord. We cannot continue revving the engine of our lives without stopping to recharge. If we do this, we will burn out quickly, and our health will fail. Therefore, it is essential that we frequently stop to rest, and do not continue on life’s motorway tired.
Drivers driving whilst tired cause many motorway accidents. All it takes is one nod. Jesus was a man of action; during his earthly ministry, he was always on the motorway, moving from place to place, doing the will of God. In all these, Jesus understood the need to pull himself away from a long drive and rest. In Mark 6:31, Jesus said to his disciples after they had returned from the mission field, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” If Jesus could rest, we also must rest. God gave us the seventh day as a Sabbath day of rest. We need to take regular breaks for our health and to enjoy the world and the people around us. Some drivers have driven themselves to death because they failed to stop at a service station. Life is precious, so is our health, and even more precious are our loved ones, who will suffer the loss. Let us find the strength to snatch ourselves from the worry, anxiety and busyness of our daily lives into the presence of the Lord to recharge.
God has given us life, and we are the drivers; as drivers, it is down to us to stop, rest, refuel and recharge. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus invites us to come to him, to bring our burdens to him, and he will give us rest. When we accept his invitation and go to him, we have an assured promise to find rest. Life is a journey; we must constantly stop at Jesus’ motorway service to refuel, recharge, and get refreshed for our next move.
Remi Dayo-Omole